assignment for shell company
1. how did ERP helping improve business operations in Shell
where integrate and manage its daily operations that span from wells and mines, to processing plants, to oil trucks and gas pumps. ex: ERP helped the company greatly in terms of reducing and coordinate the highly manual process of 3rd party contractors submitting repir information and invoices.
2. how could extended ERP components help improve business operations at Shell
providing an integrated web-based service order, invoicing and payment submission system. The information was not timely it was often weeks or even months old by the time it made it into payment processing system. Shell was not collecting sufficient information about what repairs were being done, what had cause the problem and how it had been resolved.
3. how can integrating SCM, CRM and ERP help improve business operations at Shell
SCM - sales forecasts, sales strategies and marketing campaigns
CRM- market demand, resource and capacity constraints and real-time scheduling
ERP- forecasting, planning, purchasing, material management, warehousing, inventory and distribution.