chap 5 :
Organizational Structures That Support Strategic Initiatives
organizational structures is employees across the organization must work closely together to develop strategic initiatives that create competitive advantages.. Understanding the basic structure of a typical IT department including titles, roles and responsibilities will help an organization build a cohesive enterprisewide them...
IT Roles and Responsibilities
IT roles and responsibilities is depend on numbers employees and numbers of skill in organizations.. have 5 positions can maintain an organizations,
what a CIO,CTO,CSO,CPO n CKO???
now do I explain 5 position in organizations..
Chief information officer (CIO) - responsible for overseeing all uses of information technology and ensuring the strategic alignment of IT with business goals and objectives.. CIO often report directly to the CEO..broad functions of CIO include manager, leader and communicator..
Chief technology officer (CTO) - responsible for ensuring the throughput, speed, accurancy, availability and reliability of an organization's information technology.. they direct responsibility for ensuring the efficiency of IT system and including hardware, software and telecommunications..
Chief security officer (CSO) - ensuring the security of IT system and developing strategies and IT safeguards attacks from hackers and viruses.. for example another company replicate the website organizations.. CSO possess detailed knowledge of networks and telecommunications...
Chief privacy officer (CPO) - ensuring the ethical and legal use of information within an organizations.. for ex: customers give a personal information to company and company cannot sell information about customers..
Chief knowledge officer (CKO) - collecting, maintaining, and distributing the organizations knowledge.. designs programs and systems that make it easy for people to reuse knowledge and to disseminate information knowledge ex to do a meeting...