Sunday, 10 February 2013

Learning outcome chap 7 n 8

chap 7 : Storing Organizational Information-Database

1. Define the fundamental concepts of the relational database model

  • Relational database model is a type of database that stores information in the form of logically related two-dimensional tables.. two-dimensional tables ex: in student portal uitm, when student click at subject register the system can show all subjects student... The primary concepts of the relational database model is entities,attributes,keys and relationships.. An entity is a person, place, thing, transaction, or event about which information is stored.. ex: title of database, student attendance.. Attributes, also called fields or columns, are characteristics or properties of an entity class.. ex: no ID of students, name and class..

keys and relationship to manage and organize various entity classes within the relational database model..have two keys, primary keys is a field that uniquely identifies a given entity in a table..but for foreign key is a primary key of one table that appears as an attribute in another table and acts to provide a logical relationship between the two tables..

2. Evaluate the advantages of the relational database model.

-the advantages of the relational database model have a 5 :
  • Increased flexibility- database provide flexibility in allowing each user to access the information in whatever way best suits his or her needs..
  • Increased scalability and performance- it is about performance of organizations.. scalability is how well a system can adapt to increased demands and performance measures how quickly a system performs a certain process or transaction.
  • Reduced information redundancy - redundancy is the duplication of eliminate information redundancy by recording each piece only one place..
  • Increased information integrity (quality) - measure of the quality of information..database have a integrity constraints are rules that help ensure the quality of information.. 
  • Increased information security - including password, access level and access controls.. its for protect information from competitors..

3. Compare relational integrity constraints and business-critical integrity constraints.

Rational integrity constraints - rules that enforce basic and fundamental information-based constraints..ex:
not allow someone to create an order for a nonexistent customer, provide a markup percentage that was negative or order zero pounds of raw materials from a supplier.
Business-critical integrity constraints - enforce business rules vital to an organization's success and often require more insight and knowledge than relational integrity constraints..provide better support for business decisions..

4. Describe the benefits of a data-driven website

Data-driven website is an interactive website kept constantly updated and relevant to the needs of its customers through the use of a database, ex: wikipedia..benefits is :

  • Development : allows the website owner to make changes any time all without having to rely on a developer HTML programming..
  • Content management : a static website requires a programmer to make updates..this add unnecessary layer between the business and its web content, which can lead to misunderstandings and slow turnarounds for desired changes.
  • Future expandability : having a data-driven website enables the site to grow faster than would be possible with a static site..changing the layout, displays, and functionality of the site is easier with a data-driven solution..

5. Describe the two primary methods for integrating information across multiple database

forward and backward integration system

Forward integration takes information entered into a given system and sends it automatically to all downstream system and process. A backward integration takes information entered into a given system and sends it automatically to all upstream and process...

chap 8 : Accessing Organizational Informational-Data Warehouse

1. Describe the roles and purpose of data warehouses and data marts an organization.

Data warehouse- a logical collection of information gathered from many different operational databases that supports business analysis activities and decision making tasks.. The roles and purpose of a data warehouse is to aggregate information throughout an organization into a single repository for decision making, to store in one system, data and information that originates from multiple applications within, or across, organisations. The data may be stored 'as received' from the source application, or it may be processed upon input to validate, translate, aggregate or derive new data/information..

Data marts- contains a subset of data warehouse information.. The primary use is business intelligence, BI is used to gather, store, access and analyse data.. The data marts can be used by smaller business to utilize the data they have accumulated.. can be less expensive than implementing a data warehouse..

example of data warehouse and data marts

2. Compare the multidimensional nature of data warehouses and data marts with the two-dimensional nature of database

  • database contain information in a series of two-dimensional table, which means that can only ever view two dimension of information at one time.. In a data warehouse and data mart, information is multidimensional, it contains layers of columns and rows. Each layer in a data warehouse or data mart represents information according to an additional dimension.. Dimensions could include such thing as products, promotions, stores, category, region, stock price, date, time, and even the weather. The ability to look at information from different dimensions can add tremendous business insight..

data or information can be figuratively as a cube

3. Identify the importance of ensuring the cleanliness of information throughout an organization

  • an organization must maintain high-quality information in the data warehouse
  • information cleansing and scrubbing is a process that weeds out and fixes or discards inconsistent, incorrect, or incomplete information.
  • without high-quality information the organization will be unable to make good business decisions..

4. Explain the relationship between business intelligence and a data warehouse

business intelligence is information that people use to support their decision making efforts.. A data warehouse is an enabler of business intelligence.. The purpose of data warehouse is to pull all kinds of disparate information into a single location where it is cleansed and scrubbed for analysis..

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